Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Word on the Street is True

Have you ever heard people say that stab wounds bleed a lot? Well it's true. Thanks to the stab I gave myself, I don't have to rely on other people's experience to know that. I now know for myself that if you are stabbed, you will bleed a lot. Emphasis on A LOT. Yesterday I dropped a knife on my foot. Immediately, their was a huge puddle of blood probably twice the circumference of my foot. Immediately. My first thought was whether I had hit an artery. I had seriously not seen that much blood except for childbirth. My second thought was, "Crap. The last thing I need today is to figure out how to extricate myself from home so I can go get stitches. Who will I get to watch my kids. I need to get dinner on the table. I need to finish preparations for YW. I've got to clean up all this blood, finish getting Macy her peaches, and get Kate's bottle because she's crying. There has to be a way I can stop this bleeding." So, with all my first aid knowledge gleaned from years of girls' camp I proceeded with the following: apply pressure ("Avery I need more napkins, these are all soaked through!"), get bandages and tape and wrap it as tightly as I can (Avery was right up there unwrapping a bandaid and putting antibiotic on it:), don't put any pressure on it ("Shoot! Carston will you get me another rag? I've got another puddle of blood."), and last but not least, elevate it (while feeding Kate her bottle of course). It seemed to do the trick. And don't worry about the artery. My doctor brother-in-law said there are several arteries going into your toes, so I'm okay if one clots off. It was a good lesson for the kids though: this is why mom tells you not to touch the knives!

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